
"Угадай ученого"

Автор: Карсканова Наталья Фаритовна
Должность: учитель английского языка
Учебное заведение: МКОУ "Нижне-Нарыкарская СОШ"
Населённый пункт: д. Нижние Нарыкары, Октябрьский район, ХМАО-Югра
Наименование материала: презентация
Тема: "Угадай ученого"
Раздел: полное образование




Автор: Карсканова Н.Ф.

Учитель английского языка


He was one of the Soviet Union's leading physicists and is regarded in scientific circles as the "father of the Soviet atomic bomb." He also became Soviet Russia's most prominent political dissident (a person who holds political views that differ from the majority) in the 1970s.


 This scientist revolutionized our understanding of the properties of atoms and created a table that probably embellishes every chemistry classroom in the world.  He was born at Tobolsk, Siberia in 1834. He studied science at St. Petersburg and graduated in 1856.  He was one of the first modern-day scientists in that he did not depend completely on his own work but rather was in correspondence with scientists around the world in order to receive data that they had collected. He then used their data along with his own data to arrange the elements according to their properties. He is credited as being the creator of the first version of the periodic table of elements for which in , The Nobel Committee for Chemistry recommended to the Swedish Academy to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry to the chemist for his discovery of the periodic system.


 This outstanding man was born on 19th November 1711 near Kholmogory in Russia.  He was the son of a fisherman, but chose to conceal his peasant background in order to gain a broad education. He studied science the St. Academy and later went to Germany where to study under the philosopher Christian von Wolff. In 1745 he became professor of chemistry at the St. Petersburg Academy where he established Russia's first chemical laboratory. In his experiments he anticipated such modern principles as the mechanical nature of heat and the kinetic theory of gases. He is still remembered as a great scientist to this day. In 1755 he founded the Moscow University. As a writer he is remembered as a linguist reformer and he wrote greatly on topics such as grammar and rhetoric.


 This renowned scientist was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa. He was an Italian physicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, and flautist who played a vital role in the Scientific Revolution. This great man was the first to use a refracting telescope to make imperative astronomical discoveries. His accomplishments also include improvements to the telescope and support for Copernicanism. No doubt for this reason this outstanding man has been called the “father of modern observational astronomy, “father of modern physics,” and “the Father of Modern Science.”


 This man, universally considered to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time, was an English mathematical and physicist, widely known for his outstanding contributions to physics, mathematics and optics. He also invented the calculus, and formulated the three laws of motion and the universal theory of gravitation. He proved that sunlight is the combination of several colours. He performed as the master of the Royal Mint in London and as the president of the Royal Society of London.


 His research into the physiology of digestion led him logically to create a science of conditioned reflexes. In his study of the reflex regulation of the activity of the digestive glands, this scientist paid special attention to the phenomenon of «psychic secretion», which is caused by food stimuli at a distance from the animal. This discovery of the function of conditioned reflexes made it possible to study all psychic activity objectively. , The scientist deduced three principles for the theory of reflexes: the principle of determinism, the principle of analysis and synthesis, and the principle of structure.  In 1904 he was awarded a Nobel Prize, and in 1907 he was elected Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences; in 1912 he was given an honorary doctorate at Cambridge University and in the following years honorary membership of various scientific societies abroad. Finally, upon the recommendation of the Medical Academy of Paris, he was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honour (1915).


 This man, widely considered as one of the greatest and most revolutionizing scientists in history, was the British naturalist who formulated the theory of evolution. Pre-him, it was thought that each species of life on earth came individually and that none had ever changed its form. He confuted this notion and demonstrated from his research that evolution is the law of nature and all living things on earth have descended from common ancestors who lived millions of years ago. He proved that animals and plants have evolved in an orderly manner and keep on evolving even today.


 Albert Einstein was born in Germany. He is a physicist from America and a Nobel laureate. Einstein was famous as he created extraordinary theories related to relativity and for his suggestions and premises that are related to the light’s particle nature. Einstein is one of the most renowned physicist of the twentieth century.  Einstein knew geometry when he was 12 years old.  In 1905, Einstein’s third paper was published. It was based on dynamics of bodies in motion which later was called as the theory of relativity.


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